Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School & Community Nursery

Useful Links


Links on this website may point to external websites or resources over which we have no control. Prior to any link being placed on our website, external resources are verified to ensure that their content is both relevant and secure. However, we cannot accept any liability for such resources.

Superfast Dorset – superfast broadband


BBC Education

BBC Bitesize home page. This site introduces parents to the enormous resource that the BBC has to offer.

Child Bereavement Trust

Website of the Child Bereavement Trust who provide support for families who have lost a child, and children who have lost a parent, sibling or significant other person.

Childcare support

For more information about childcare costs:



The Contact website is for families who have a disabled child and those who work with them or are interested to find out more about their needs.

Department for Education Performance tables


View school performance, characteristics and spend per pupil data.

Department for Education homepage – http://www.education.gov.uk/ 

Department for Education Schools Finicial Benchmarking  - /docs/Schools_Finacial_Benchmarking.docx

Direct Gov – Government services and information
Education & Learning


School admissions and transport
School life: school costs, curriculum and attendance

Dorset For You

Dorset Council Schools website

Dorset Family Information Service


Facebook page with local information for parents and carers

Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Weymouth


Information for parents in Weymouth who may be struggling with addiction or mental health issues.

Gifted Geek


A Guide to Keeping Children Safe Online (A Good Read For Non-Techy Parents)

Holy Trinity with St Nicholas In Weymouth

Holy Trinity with St Nicholas in Weymouth, Dorset is a friendly, approachable and open church playing a central role in the local community.

National Curriculum


For every curriculum subject this site has the programmes of study and non-statutory guidelines, attainment targets, notes and links to online resources.



Ofsted inspect and regulate to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages.

Salisbury Diocese Board of Education


Website of the Diocese of Salisbury includes information about the four Archdeaconries of the Diocese, together with links to parishes. 

South West Grid for Learning


SWGfL is a consortium of South West Local Authorities (LA), with a remit to provide South-West schools with a safe and reliable broadband internet connection and to deliver educational applications and services via the broadband connection.



This website is brought to you by the team at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). Useful information to help ensure that children remain safe whilst using the Intenet and mobile technology and advice on what to do if you have any concerns

Topmarks Education


One of the largest independent educational websites in the UK. Offering free educational resources whilst providing a safe environment for children to use the world wide web effectively for learning. Content on Topmarks is reviewed by qualified teachers and regularly re-checked.

If you know any website links that may be useful to other users, please email them to: