Nursery Sessions
Morning Session: 8:45 am – 11:45 am
Lunch Club: 11:45 am – 12:15 pm
Afternoon Session: 12:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Parents, carers and children are asked to wait outside the gate beside the Nursery outdoor area at the beginning of their session. The gate will be unlocked by Nursery staff when the sessions start. Please close the gate behind you as you are entering or leaving.
When you arrive in Nursery you will be greeted by Nursery staff. Please support your child to find their name card and place it on the board. Your child may choose any peg to hang their bags and coats on. Children are then able to choose activities set up in our carpet room. Please stay with your child at the beginning of the session to help settle them. Once your child is happy and settled please feel free to leave them.
Before you leave Nursery please ensure that you record on the appropriate sheet the name of the adult who will be collecting your child. For your child’s safety we will only allow them to leave Nursery with the adult named on the collection sheet. If for any reason there will be somebody different collecting your child, please ring the school office so that they can let us know.
If you arrive late to a session please bring your child in via the school office so that they can be marked into the register. The Nursery gate will be locked 15 minutes after the start of the session for the children’s safety.
At the end of the session we ask parents to wait again outside the Nursery gate. The gate will be unlocked by Nursery staff when sessions end and we then invite parents and carers into Nursery to collect their children. Please remember to check your child’s tray at the end of each session for important letters and your child’s work.
If you have any concerns about your child please see a member of staff at the start or end of the session.
Lunch Club
If your child will be attending Lunch Club please provide a suitable packed lunch in a lunch box that is clearly marked with your child’s name. Drinks must be in a re-sealable plastic bottle. We encourage healthy eating – please see the sample lunch in Nursery for ideas. Payment for Lunch Club should be made in advance using the school online Scopay account. Details of payment are given in the Nursery Charging Policy. Children entitled to Early Years Pupil Premium funding will be eligible to a school packed lunch for 2 days a week, if and when they attend for a full day as part of the 15 funded hours. If you think your child may be entitled to EYPP, please see office staff, who will be happy to help.
Breakfast and After School Clubs
Currently, three and four year old Nursery children are welcome in our Breakfast Club and After School Clubs. If you would like to find out more about how to book this using the school online Scopay account, please ask at the school office.