Welcome to Year 3
Meet the teachers
Year 3 (ID 1123)
Mrs BorriesYear Leader & SENDCO
Mrs Borries
Miss Fraser3H Teacher
Miss Fraser
Mr Mitchem3T Teacher
Mr Mitchem
Things to know about Year 3
In English, your child will continue to work on the spelling patterns they have begun in previous years, but this year there is less of a focus on phonics and more emphasis on understanding and learning the spelling rules, as well as attention to prefixes and suffixes and the statutory spelling lists for Year 3.
In writing, in Year 3, there is a focus on creativity and writing styles; looking at settings, language style and character within their writing.
Mathematics in Year 3 has more of a times-tables focus. Quick recall of the required 3, 4, 8 and 50 times-tables (as well as the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables they’ve already learned in Year 1 and 2) is important as they form the foundation for a large majority of the work the children will cover within the year. You will probably notice your child beginning to use column addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers this year, as well as learning about multiplication and division.
Science in Year 3 is engaging and fun. Your child will learn about life processes, rocks, light, forces and magnets, and animals (including humans).
How can I help my child in Year 3?
Obviously, keep doing all of the usual things that has helped them to be successful so far in HTPS. Continue to hear them read, practise times tables, help them with homework, talk to them about their day and encourage them to read by visiting the local library, bookshops or using eBooks online. Make sure they are in on time every day and that their attendance is high.
Continue reading
Reading is key this year and there are plenty of ways you can help. It is still important to listen to your child read regularly. Ask questions about what they’re reading. This will encourage your child to think deeply about their reading, whether they’re reading aloud or independently. Comprehension of a text and the ability to answer questions in written form is something we will work on throughout the year.
Reading to your child is still important at this age too. Listening to your intonation helps children with their own expression, and also enhances their writing. A fun way to encourage expression is to use silly voices — and even to make the occasional deliberate mistake. Allowing your child to correct you helps them to see why certain punctuation changes the way we read aloud.
In maths, you can support your child at home by practising the relevant times-tables (3, 4, and 8 times-tables — as well as the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables from Year 1 and 2) regularly. This can be done in many ways and different children respond to different styles – so be creative! Your child will have a Times Table Rock Stars login which is a fun and interactive way to rehearse times tables.
Where do I drop off and pick up?
In the morning, children must come up to class on their own to build independence. Children must walk across the playground and enter the building through the door near to the swimming pool. There will be lots of adults directing the children so that they know where to go, so please reassure them about that! If you need to get a message to or make an appointment to see the class teacher, please see the office who will be happy to help or contact your class teacher on Class Dojo.
At the end of the day, the Year 3 children will be released to parents from the MUGA (the top school playground). Please make sure that you have given the school permission for whomever is picking up your child if it is anyone other than you, as parents. As a school, the safety of our children is of utmost importance and we will not release to anyone who is not on our permission list. If there is a ‘late change’ to school pickups then please let our office team know and they will get a message to the class teacher.
Read, read, read!
By far the most important thing that a child can do at home is read. Children are expected to read each day at home (minimum 5 times a week) and this should be recorded in their reading records. Children are never too old to be heard read or to be questioned on a book that they are reading. The discussion that can come from reading with your child and questioning them can encourage a real love for reading that really helps them in all areas of the curriculum.
Children will be given spellings to learn each week which will follow the spelling patterns taught in their spelling groups. They will be tested on these the following week. Children will also be given a maths activity to complete each week. This work will be based on the learning the children are completing in class that week and is normally set online.
Year 3 is a fun and rewarding year. Children develop and mature at this stage, becoming increasingly independent and more empathetic towards others. Enjoy watching your child grow and have a great year!
TermTalk & Knowledge Organisers
- 01 Year 3 - RE- Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser
- 01 Year 3 Term Talk Spring 2025
- Year 3 - Aut 1 - Light Knowledge Organiser
- Year 3 Aut 2 Stone Age to Iron Age Knowledge Organiser
- Year 3 Term Talk Aut 2024 docx