Welcome to Reception
Meet the teachers
EYFS Foundation Stage Leader: Miss Fordham
Things to know about Reception
The children in our Nursery and Reception classes are provided with a stimulating learning environment which encourages learning through play, in addition to guided adult-led sessions and child-initiated learning. We have excellent, large outdoor provisions for both Nursery and Reception that are exclusively used by our youngest learners in school and allow our children to utilise the outdoor environment as well as the indoor setting as much as possible. Our Reception outdoor area was newly designed in the Summer of 2019.
Developing Readers
At Holy Trinity we are keen for children to start learning phonics as soon as the children start school. Phonics refers to the sounds that letters make and learning these enables young children to become independent readers. We use a DfE apporved Systematic Synthetic Phonics scheme from Rising Stars called Rocket Phonics. Please click below to read the parents' guide and to see our Phonics Workshop presentation to Reception 2022 parents.
Rocket Phonics Parent Workshop
EYFS areas of learning and their associated Early Learning Goals
Characteristics of effective learning:
Playing and exploring – engagement
Finding out and exploring
Playing with what they know
Being willing to ‘have a go’
Active learning – motivation
Being involved and concentrating
Keeping trying
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Creating and thinking critically – thinking
Having their own ideas
Making links
Choosing ways to do things
Prime Areas:
Communication and Language
Listening, Attention and Understanding
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Managing Self
Building Relationships
Physical Development
Gross Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Specific Areas:
Word Reading
Numerical Patterns
Understanding the World
Past and Present
People, Culture and Communities
The Natural World
Expressive Art and Design
Creating with Materials
Being Imaginative and Expressive
Where do I drop off and pick up?
In the morning, children must come in through the main blue gates and will walk across the playground to the gate of the Reception outside area. Once children are settled into the school routine, parents are encouraged to drop their children at the main gate so that the children can build independence. There will be plenty of adults to support the children as they learn the route to take across the playground!
At the end of the day, the Reception children come out of different doors depending on their class.
RH will be released from the main door to the corridor (under the shelter).
RT will be released from the gate to the Reception outside area.
Class teachers will release to parents as they see you. Please make sure that you have given the school permission for whoever is picking up your child if it is anyone other than you, as parents. As a school, the safety of our children is of utmost importance and we will not release to anyone who is not on our permission list. If there is a ‘late change’ to school pickups then please let our office team know and they will get a message to the class teacher.
Starting school is a huge milestone in the life of a child and their parents and carers. Getting that transition right, is of paramount importance to us at Holy Trinity. The process of transition begins in the Summer Term before children are due to start school. We liaise closely with other pre-schools and invite the children and their families into school to visit their new classroom and to meet their teachers and teaching assistants. Our transition also includes information being shared at a Parent Welcome meeting and in our Welcome Packs given to parents. In the first week of September teachers and their support staff also conduct home visits to meet the children in their own familiar environment and to give parents the time to speak 1-to-1 with the adults that are going to be nurturing the learning and well-being of their child over the coming year. Following this, the children commence a staggered start into school and are full-time by the end of September.
A transition survey is carried out in the Autumn Term to ascertain parents views on how their child has settled into school. Please click below to see the results of the 2022 Reception transition survey.
Read, read, read!
By far the most important thing that a child can do at home is read. Children are expected to read each day at home (minimum 5 times a week) and this should be recorded in their reading records. Children are never too old to be heard read or to be questioned on a book that they are reading. The discussion that can come from reading with your child and questioning them can encourage a real love for reading and develop vocabulary understanding.
Children will be given spellings to learn each week which will follow the spelling patterns taught in their spelling groups. They will be tested on these the following week.
Children will be given a maths or phonics activity to complete each week. This work will be based on the learning the children are completing in class that week.
TermTalk & Knowledge Organisers
- 01 Reception - RE- Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser
- Reception Aut 1 - Wolves Knowledge Organiser
- Reception Aut 2 - People Who Help Us Knowledge Organiser
- Reception Term Talk Aut 2024 docx
- Reception Term Talk Spring 2025 1